50 Questions with Chinwe Oladimeji

50 Questions with Chinwe Oladimeji


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9 commentaires

Stylish – yes! Creative & kind – double yes! Chinwe is an icon and I’m so glad Dragonfly gives her yet another outlet to express this to the world. Wishing you the best of success, Chins.

Fadekemi Olumide-Aluko

Answers with so much warmth.
Exhibits the true self “Chinwe”.
Lovely read.

Eje Coker

I second the brunch option! Lovely interview to read :)


Did not realise Chinwe had become a celebrity. Move over Beyoncé, JLO, Kim and Angelina. Excellent lifestyle interview.

Olugbenga Rotimi

Awww …..life is to be lived on our own Terms👌Well done girl😍😍😍

Olutoyin Aluko

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